
  • Wow, 60 years!

    Published on July 25, 2022 at 2:23pm CDT

    Stoneage Ramblings By John R. Stone Members of the class of 1962 of Jefferson High School in Alexandria had a get-together last week. It was interesting to see the grey hair (lots of it), slightly larger profiles, and folks not walking as smoothly as they did when they were in their teens. By now about 25… Read More

  • Letter to the Editor

    Published on July 25, 2022 at 2:21pm CDT

    States like Minnesota will provide access to health care without government intrusion From Jessica Erlandson, MAHS graduate, Columbus, Ohio First, I would like to say how glad I was to read the guest opinion included in the July 18 edition of the Tribune. This refreshing perspective is so essential in the face of the Christo-fascism advanced by… Read More

  • Time Travel

    Published on July 25, 2022 at 2:20pm CDT

    Minnewaska Musings By Paul Gremmels I’m not much of a bike rider. The fact that I learned to ride when I was in the first grade and still remember how are about my only qualifications to be called a bicyclist.  I don’t train, study or own a fancy bike. In fact, the bike I ride is… Read More

  • Driving into the Sunset

    Published on July 25, 2022 at 2:20pm CDT

    Views from a Prairie Home By Hege Herfindahl, Columnist After all the commotion in this world, the need to get away is strong in most of us. Seeing new sights opens up our mind, sparks our curiosity and imagination. One of our grandsons, Ove, who has lived abroad for more than two years and travelled all over… Read More

  • 60 years of Minnesota soybeans

    Published on July 25, 2022 at 2:19pm CDT

    Views from the Cab By David Tollefson, Columnist In 1962 my dad and I were just beginning to grow soybeans. It was a new crop around here, to supplement the basic corn, alfalfa, oats and wheat on a lot of farms. Going way back, a guy named Henry Ford was instrumental in “growing” automobile parts on the… Read More

  • Navigating life’s wrinkles

    Published on July 25, 2022 at 2:18pm CDT

    From Where I Sit By Pat Spilseth, Columnist After sunning on the dock and enjoying a boat ride, I happened to check my arms and legs to see if my skin was red from sun exposure. No red, but to my amazement, bat wings had appeared on my arms. Loose skin flapped and wiggled! Aghast, I noticed… Read More

  • What is LIV Golf really up to? Who knows

    Published on July 18, 2022 at 12:29pm CDT

    Stoneage Ramblings By John R. Stone Maybe you have heard about LIV and maybe not, it is a new golf tour that is being promoted by Greg Norman, a 20-time winner on the PGA tour during the 1980s and 90s. What is interesting is that it is being funded by Saudi Arabia and to get it… Read More

  • Talk-radio hosts revive fraud lies as an explanation for any fall election losses

    Published on July 18, 2022 at 12:25pm CDT

    Guest Opinion By St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editorial Board Apparently, President Donald Trump’s big lie wasn’t enough, no matter how many times his 2020 election-fraud claims have been debunked. Right-wing radio hosts around the country are planting in the minds of listeners the idea that Democrats cannot possibly win the elections this November without engaging in… Read More

  • A Walk on the Prairie

    Published on July 18, 2022 at 12:24pm CDT

    View from a Prairie Home By Hege Herfindahl, Columnist Amidst all the problems, both personally and globally, we decide to take a walk. Exercise and being out in nature are the best medicine. But for me, being with someone I love is even better. And I do love him, so much, my grandson. Ove. He is 16… Read More

  • How to recognize plant heat stress

    Published on July 18, 2022 at 12:23pm CDT

    Growing Green By Robin Trott, Extension Educator Everyone deals with heat differently. Some people enjoy hot temperatures and spend many hours in the sun, while others avoid the heat by going from one air-conditioned building to the next. Plants also have different ways of dealing with the heat. Most plants do not appreciate scorching hot temperatures… Read More

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